Welcome to my homepage!
I am a DevOps/Software engineer, working as Azure Cluster Lead in SoftServe Poland, DevOps Practice department.
Sometimes I participate in game jams, developing shitty video games for fun. These games are bad by design, not by accident!
My outside-of-programming hobbies include video & tabletop games, Japanese culture and cooking.

I like to share my knowledge with other people quite a lot! During last few years I had a chance to participate in many events, both as an organizer and as a lecturer. Below you can find a list of all events, where I had a chance to give a talk.
- Lecture: "Platform Landing Zone for Azure Cloud" [PL] - SoftServe Roadshow 2022, Kraków University of Technology, 2022
- Lecture: "Platform Landing Zone for Azure Cloud" [PL] - SoftServe Roadshow 2022, Rzeszów University of Technology, 2022
- Lecture: "How to connect new technologies with old product?" [PL] - IT Academic Day, Wrocław, 2019
- Lecture: "How to limit technical debt in Enterprise appications?" [PL] - Meet4Talk - Wrocław, 2019
- Workshop" "Architecture of complex ASP.NET applications" [PL] - Wrocław University of Technology, 2019
- Lighting Talk: "Web Sockets by example - SignalR" [PL] - Wrocław University of Technology, 2018
- Lecture: "ASP.Net Core - brand new Microsoft Loves Linux initiative" [PL] - Linux Session, Wrocław, 2016
- Lecture: "Introduction to LaTeX" [PL] - Wrocław University of Technology, 2015
- Lecture: "Linux - OS which players should finally take an interest in?" [PL] - Wrocław University of Technology, 2014